PAU Quintanajornet doesn‘t paint pictures. Pau creates worlds – open invitations to a journey into the beauty of Latin American influences and into the spheres of an artist, who with paper, wood, and ink playfully turns her world inside out. The cleavage between cultures loosens up. From the friction between her Chilian roots and her German home she draws her own symbolism of strong women, who grow out of the ground like plants rising to the sky.
Birds also occupy a large space in Pau‘s World: symbols for wisdom and peace, spreading their wings and being free spirits, coping with highs and lows. Pau is a collector. Her atelier is home to countless keepsakes, ranging from plane tickets and stones to drawings and paintings from artist friends. Everything has its place in this world that tells the story of encounters through pieces of a mosaic. This place is her walk-in memory bank. All these little things eventually turn into her art. Pau‘s paintings are an expression of her inner world. She paints what she lives and feels.
Born in Chile and raised in the former DDR, Pau moved to Berlin at the age of 15 to broaden her horizons and find a creative outlet. She studied communication-design and illustration at the FHTW before taking off to South America. In Valparaiso, Chile, she recharged her batteries and set the course for her future. Falling in love with the Muralistas-Movement and Urban Art, Pau started to create her first wall pieces down South. Although she eventually returned to Germany, Pau would frequently revisit Latin America – her Motherland – her emotional home. During these returns, she might discover something new about her self or her art, socialize with other artists or improve her techniques. In the collective of the Muralistas and streetartists, Pau found birds of the same feather.
Over the last couple of years Pau has participated in numerous festivals and art events around the world. These travels and interactions with the people around helped her to find a deeper meaning in her work and get more sensitive for different global realties. Inspired by the words of Pablo Neruda, that “The murals are the books of the people “ she startet a long term art project called PROJECT WALLFLOWERS in 2013. Her work is found on walls in Egypt, Tunisia, Spain, France, The Netherlands, Germany, United States, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and Chile … . While Pau‘s walls are on display in public spaces, they are created with the permission of the communities. Her interest lies in sharing her art with people, not creating notoriety for her self. „Painting walls is something which shapes the environment and makes it more colorful. It‘s a gift to community.“ ALIMENTO PARA EL ALMA …